Custom cursor in CSS

CSS custom cursors allow you to change the appearance of the cursor when it is hovering over an element on your website. This can be useful to create a more personalized and engaging experience for your users.
Setting Emoji or Image as a mouse cursor:
To create a custom cursor in CSS, you can use the cursor property. For example:
.selector {
cursor: url(path/to/cursor-image.png), auto;
In this example, the cursor property is set to url(path/to/cursor-image.png), which specifies the path to the custom cursor image. The auto value is used as a fallback in case the custom cursor image is not supported by the browser.
Demo of custom CSS cursor:
DemoYou can also use predefined cursor values, such as pointer, crosshair, text, etc. For example:
.element {
cursor: pointer;
This sets the cursor to the standard pointing hand icon when hovering over the element.
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