Download Locked PDF Files From Google Drive

Download the Locked PDF file from Google Drive by using this simple tool. This simple tool allows you to download locked pdf files from google drive easily without any error. You will find two methods to download files from google drive.
Make sure you download PDF files because this tool won't work for any other file type hosted on Google drive.
Tool To Download Locked PDF Files from Google Drive:
Tool Loading Please Wait...
New Method:
Watch the video provided below and do as it is said.
Code used in the above video:
let jspdf = document.createElement("script");
jspdf.onload = function () {
let pdf = new jsPDF();
let elements = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
for (let i in elements) {
let img = elements[i];
console.log("add img ", img);
if (!/^blob:/.test(img.src)) {
console.log("invalid src");
let can = document.createElement("canvas");
let con = can.getContext("2d");
can.width = img.width;
can.height = img.height;
con.drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height);
let imgData = can.toDataURL("image/jpeg", 1.0);
pdf.addImage(imgData, "JPEG", 0, 0);
jspdf.src = "";
I followed all the steps suggested by you however it is getting blank pdf file. is the url from I have to download this file.
I spent the whole morning looking for the way to get a pdf file downloaded, and luckily I found this website, it is amazing, beyond my expectation. Thank you so much
Method 1 is working, verry thank!
Method 1 is working, thanks
No working
New updated tool Also not working it just go on loading..... Chech for me the link
What issue you are facing?
locked pdf downloading from Gdrive isn't working anymore! Please check
Can you please share your file link. So that i can test the tool.
This tool works perfectly fine. But how can I download protect PPT file ?
No solution for ppt files yet. Well share when available.
It's not working, few months ago everything was working well...
Can you please share the issue, so that i can solve it.
It's not working now. Stuck at "scrapping data." I successfully downloaded several documents a couple of months ago. Appreciate your help.
I am able to save the pdf it is showing blank
Please share your file link.
Tool not working, unable to start scraping images and unable to save pdf(_) 😔
sir pdf download nhi ho rha hai ab
Can you share your pdf file url here?
This comment has been removed by the author.
It's not a PDF file url dear.
Bro its not working now .pls let me know if u have any other way to download
Can your please share your PDF file URL so that i can check it.
sir pdf download nhi ho rha hai ab
Hi there, I used this tool several times before, for the same website. haven't used it for 4 months now, and today It doesn't work (same website, same method, nothing has changed since last time) but it's not working anymore. Can you please check it ?
Please Share your File URL so that i can check the tool and solve your issue, Thanks!
does not working today .. it was working before one month
The tool is working fine dear. You might be doing any mistake. Try Again!
What this link is for?
Sir it is not working please update it soon.
Please share the link of your pdf file so that I can test and let you know and solve the issue if there is any.
Not working
What issue you are facing. Share your PDF file link.
It doesn't work anymore. Please fix it I have an exam soooon.
working like charm :)))))
not working, Mr Muzammil ?
Working fine dear.
not working. empty pages
You might be doing any mistake because the tool is working fine.
good work! is there any way to download original (editable) view only pdf file from google drive? i download a book from it but the size of the book becomes around 1 GB that is originally 40 MB. plz tell me if there is any way. i want to download and print them for final preparation.
You can di it manually py copying text and paste it to new pdf file in pdf editor software.
it is awesome site, i can download in just 1 click i just have a small issue, if u got time plz fix it if along with link blob comes like this blob:blob:// then should i paste this or remove blob first
Dear Users, I too struggled initially to understand why I get empty pages while downloading. Please follow following steps to get perfect pdf! adding imgdata link and others wait for sometime, I waited for 20 mins (my poor network) carefully go through, website generates all the pages for you to see. check if all pages are loaded and visible, only then click save/create pdf. again after clicking, wait till all the pages are visible in the new window then system automatically open save dialog box. Hope this helps!
Hi Muzammil The Tool is awesome, while others suggest to manually scroll the pdf file slowly which takes so much time and impossible for bigger files your tool does all this effort effortlessly. Thanks Man!
Thanks dear for you precious feedback.
hlo, by doing this the message will send to file creator who locked it. yes/no thanks
Many broken image after clicked 'Save/Print PDF'
New mathod will be shared soon subscribe channel if you want.
Your website is a saviour until recently it can't be done anymore
Not working
New mathod will be shared soon subscribe channel if you want. in the above link by changing page numbers we can get image...caan we do it automatically bro above pdf has 122 pages is not downloading maybe because owner has allowed permission to me what do now
yes not working bro.. all images broken.
Working perfect dear recently checked!
Not working bro plz check this link
Please Retry!
not working. all pages are broken
Check your image URL dear tool is working fine.
many pages are not showing up.. is there any to solve the problem
What issue you are facing? Broken images or something else.
not working
working very well thanks alot brother
not working
its not working anymore. the picture just doesn't load. have use chrome, Edge and firefox. clear cache. still not working.
I'm sorry, its working perfectly, had to set page format to A4 before saving as a pdf. Thanks a lottttttt
not working
Worked great for me. Thanks so much!!!
when trying to download a file with 573 page new images are missing, so need to fix it sir please
Arthur just download them in small pieces of pages, you have the starting page option now
i am trying to download a 573 page file the images close to 100 files are missing . can you please fix it
hey, i want to suggest something, i download the material in pdf but i see them like photos i can't edit filets, how can i do if it is possible?
Do you sell this tool? How much is it?
I don't know why when I put only 20 pages it works, when I put like 50 some of them are not edited. My file is 200 pages so i could download them 20 per time, but how i change the number of the starting page detected?
bhai save or print pdf pe click kr rhe toh naya window open ho jaa rha. koi pop up menu nahi open ho rha. no pop up print option. bas naye window me same file open ho rhi
When Print PDF Page Opens, If It Is Not Showing Print Popup, Press mark{CTRL+P} To Print It Manually.
tool doesnot work now if i click save/print pdf than open new windo but there is no download option
Print window will automatically popup no download button will be shown.
How to choose the correct image url as I do not understand Indian language as on your video. Let me know how to choose it. Anyway, thank you Muzammil for your help!
Choose any image url no matter what the image number is.
Are bhai kiya ho gya pdf show hi nahi krta , your toll is not working,thik krde mere dost
clear browser data - cache and cookies and cut url instead of copy.
Tool is not working
clear browser data - cache and cookies and cut url instead of copy.
Bhai PLZZ do check bits really not working.
clear browser data - cache and cookies and cut url instead of copy.
Images are not getting loaded into the pdf doc. some error in the code when loading
I have tested the tool is working fine.
It's not working, I copy and paste the adress, set the number of pages click the button but the images are broken
You are doing some mistake please check the tool is working fine. I have tested.
Shit, not working again!
Highlight the issue that you are facing please.
Before update it was working but now it's not working totally
Please highlight the issue you are facing.
Hi, This link was working fine and I was able to download pdf docs several times.. but now it is not downloading all pages on the doc.. only few pages are downloaded and others are seen as blank pages in the output file.. can u please check and fix the issue.. when I tried to refresh this page I see an error message in the bottom right side of the page "Error occured whils loading files".. this error not seen earlier. Thanks.
Please Clear you browser cookies and cache or change your browser.
Hello M.Muzammil, thanks for your marvelous tool. You have added resolution choice, could you make it by pre-set numbers rather than free entry. Or High, medium and low. Thanks
Ok i will update it soon.
not working properly.
Please Highlight the issue you are facing.
all pages are not available when pdf is formed
Its working perfectly. love you brother. from Bangladesh
Thanks for your precious feedback.
it worked perfectly well M.Muzammil. Thanks for your help. You are a genius. Thanks, again.
this tricks is not working. please recheck.
Its still working well please check your url you will be doing some mistake.
the image i copied can be seen but when i paste it and clicked on convert it only shows broken images...
Send me the screenshot please.
can i know how to send the screenshot to you?
Upload image anywhere and share image link here in the comment.
here you goes.. tq for the help.
You are using wrong image url please check it before pasting it to form.
hi, i relook at your video and did exactly yet the same issue happened, the image doesnt load. i was doing the same last time and it works but now it doesnt. can you please advise?
can you pls take a look when u r free?
Your Image URL is not correct.
that's the only link of the image i have. any suggestions?
the image are all broken. please help.
Check the image URL you are pasting.
hi chief! today is 6Apr - tried but the image is not showing up. appreciate if you could fix it? tq
Please check your image link this tool is working now i have just solved all its issues.
It is working again. Thanks.
tool not working. empty screen showing every time. kindly solve asap.
I just solved the issue please check.
Hello, it was working perfect then stopped on 3rd of April
Thanks for feedback i solved the issue.
tool is not working please help.......
Locked PDF Downloader Tool is working now.
not working ......tool
Working Now!
It worked fine last night, but it's not working today. Any reasons why?
mine worked in the morning too. I think it's because he updated something in the site.
Please check the tool! not working anymore.
It Is Working Now.
was working last evening but today not working again.
It is working now.
locked pdf downloading from Gdrive isn't working anymore! Please check
Its is Working Now Please Recheck!
This tricks is not working.please recheak
The trick is not working again! Please check! This is my link, can you check if I found the right one?