Source-map Downloader - Download Source-map Files

Source-map Downloader - Download Source-map Files

Source-map downloader is an online tool that will help you to download source map data of any script.

For example, if your script is written in NodeJS and it has a source map that contains the list of libraries and files used in the final compiled code.

If you have the source map URL of that final compiled file then you can extract all the libraries and data files used in that compiled file using this simple tool.

How to Download SourceMap files?

You just have to enter the URL of the source map file and enter the name of the file which is by default "zip".
Then click the button provided below the input fields, and then your source map files will be extracted from the URL and are compressed into a zip file, and will be downloaded automatically to your computer.

What Benefit of using this tool?

Source-map downloader tool is used by the programmers who want to extract the original code of any online application which is made and NodeJS.

Keep one thing in mind, you should have the source map file URL by which you can extract the original code otherwise you will not be able to extract the original code and libraries used in the final compiled code.

Source Map Data downloader tool

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What is a source map file?

A source map file is a file that maps the original source code of a JavaScript application to the corresponding transpiled or compiled code.

In the context of a Node.js compiled bundle file, a source map file can be used to debug the original code that was used to create the bundle.

It contains information about the original source files, as well as the corresponding positions of the generated code within the bundle.

This allows developers to debug their application in the original source code rather than the compiled code, making the process easier and more efficient.


I think you will find this tool very useful if you are a nodeJS developer. If it helped you then please share it with your friends so that they can also advantage of this tool.

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I am Muzammil, a Self-taught Web Designer & Developer. I haven't yet completed my college degree. Started learning programming at the age of 12 and still learning. I love to work in Javascript and make eye-catchy designs. Free for your calls :)

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