Key Replacer Tool - Streamline Text Key Replacer

Key Replacer Tool

The Key Replacer tool is a JavaScript utility that lets you replace particular keys in a text string with their values. When you have a JavaScript object with key-value pairs and wish to replace instances of those keys in a text with their corresponding values, this tool can be beneficial. This operation is automated by the Key Replacer program, which provides an efficient solution.

Getting Started

To use the Key Replacer tool, follow these steps:

  1. Add the JavaScript code provided to your HTML file or include it in your JavaScript project.
  2. Create three text areas in your HTML file with the following ids: 'textarea-1', 'textarea-2', and 'textarea-3'.
  3. In the first textarea ('textarea-1'), enter the text where you want to replace the keys.
  4. In the second textarea ('textarea-2'), enter a valid JSON string representing a JavaScript object. The keys in this object will be replaced in the input text.
  5. Click the 'Replace' button or trigger the 'click' event on the element with the id 'replace'.

The replaced text will be displayed in the third textarea ('textarea-3').

Code Explanation

Let's understand how the Key Replacer tool works by examining the provided JavaScript code:

document.querySelector('#replace').addEventListener('click', function(){
  // Get the values from the textareas
  var inputText = document.getElementById('textarea-1').value;
  var objectText = document.getElementById('textarea-2').value;

  // Parse the JavaScript object
  var replacementObject = JSON.parse(objectText);

  // Replace the object keys with their values in the input text
  for (var key in replacementObject) {
    var regex = new RegExp(key, 'g');
    inputText = inputText.replace(regex, replacementObject[key]);

  // Set the modified code in the output textarea
  document.getElementById('textarea-3').value = inputText;

The code above sets up an event listener for the 'click' event on an element with the id 'replace'. When this event is triggered, the code inside the callback function is executed.

  1. The values from the input textareas ('textarea-1' and 'textarea-2') are retrieved using document.getElementById().value.
  2. The JavaScript object is parsed from the JSON string using JSON.parse().
  3. A loop iterates over each key in the replacement object.
  4. Inside the loop, a regular expression (RegExp) is created using the current key and the 'g' flag to perform a global search.
  5. The replace() function is used to replace occurrences of the key with its corresponding value in the input text.
  6. The modified text is assigned back to the inputText variable.
  7. Finally, the modified text is set as the value of the output textarea ('textarea-3') using document.getElementById().value.

Usage Example

Suppose we have the following input text:

Hello {name}, welcome to {company}!

After clicking the 'Replace' button, the output textarea will display the following replaced text:

Hello John Doe, welcome to Acme Corporation!


Please note the following limitations of the Key Replacer tool:

  1. The tool assumes that the input text and replacement object are properly formatted and valid.
  2. The tool performs a simple string replacement, so it may not handle more complex scenarios such as nested objects or arrays.
  3. The tool relies on the JavaScript replace() function, which performs case-sensitive replacements by default. If you need case-insensitive replacements, you can modify the regular expression creation accordingly.

It is recommended to review and validate the input text and replacement object to ensure the desired replacements are performed accurately.


The Key Replacer tool allows you to quickly replace keys in a text with their matching values. You can save time and effort by automating key replacement in your projects using JavaScript and the given code.

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I am Muzammil, a Self-taught Web Designer & Developer. I haven't yet completed my college degree. Started learning programming at the age of 12 and still learning. I love to work in Javascript and make eye-catchy designs. Free for your calls :)

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