How to Install Infinite Scroll in Blogger

How to Install Infinite Scroll in Blogger

Infinite scroll on a website is a user interface design pattern that automatically loads more content as the user scrolls down the page, eliminating the need for pagination or clicking a "load more" button. With infinite scroll, the content is loaded dynamically, often via AJAX, as the user reaches the bottom of the current page.

Common Use of Infinite Scroll

This design pattern is commonly used for long pages or feeds, such as social media timelines or image galleries.

It can provide a seamless and engaging user experience by allowing users to continuously scroll through the content without interruptions, and without having to wait for new pages to load.

Issues infinite scroll cause:

There are some potential downsides to infinite scroll. One of the main issues is that it can make it difficult for users to find and navigate to specific pieces of content, as the page continuously loads new content.

It can also impact website performance, as loading too much content at once can slow down page load times and increase bandwidth usage.

How to optimize infinite scroll

To optimize the use of infinite scroll, website owners should carefully consider the type of content and how it is presented to users.

For example, including clear navigation elements or search features can help users find specific content within the infinite scroll design.

Additionally, monitoring website performance and optimizing content loading strategies can help ensure that infinite scroll doesn't negatively impact page load times.

I think that's very mush about infinite scroll now let's see how you can add infinite scroll to your blogger blog.

Follow these steps to install infinite scroll in blogger:

  1. Go to Blogger Dashboard
  2. Go to Theme/Template Section
  3. Click Edit HTML
  4. Now Search for </head> or </body>
  5. To search anything in blogger template section press Ctrl+F and then type term to search and press enter.
  6. Now copy the code provided below and paste it just above that tag which we have founded in step 4.
  7. <script src=""></script>
        // init Infinite Scroll
            path: "",
            append: "article",
            status: ".scroller-status",
            hideNav: ".blog-pager",
  8. You must also include jQuery Library in your blog and Save the template

In the above code, I have used default selectors which are present in almost every blogger template but if you are using your own costume blogger template then you will face some kind of issues don't worry you can comment me those issues in the comment section I will resolve all that issues.


In the above code provided, you have to change the highlighted text (article) with the class of that element which is your post on your home page or you can say you have to replace it with the class of elements that are the children of the element with class blog-posts.

For example, my website code looks like this.

<div class="blog-posts">

You can see that my posts are shown in the article tags or elements that why I used the article as a selector.


It's all about how to install infinite scroll in blogger you simply have to follow all the steps provided above and if you have any issues feel free to leave it below.

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I am Muzammil, a Self-taught Web Designer & Developer. I haven't yet completed my college degree. Started learning programming at the age of 12 and still learning. I love to work in Javascript and make eye-catchy designs. Free for your calls :)


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Very good post however it is not working correctly on my website. Any ideas?


Every blogger template out there has different ways to implement infinite scroll. I want you to share your site mark{URL} so that I can assist you, if possible.